Sunday, June 6, 2010

Dim sum outlet until 11pm @ Puchong (near Neway)

Finally, had my night dim sum early this month. Stucked in traffic jam along LDP, so kinda hungry @ 8.30pm, drop by this outlet recommended by my facialist. Hmm, taste ok, but RM4 per basket is sort of more expensive than most morning outlet.

Mind you, their herbal tea also RM4 for a glass, so I just have chinese tea which is RM1.50. Besides better for digestion :P

Ok, I ordered a century egg porridge but the foreign waitress bring me this salted egg one. Hmm, I couldn't mis-ordered as it's in writing, but thinking I won't came back here anyway (due to the higher price, most places only cost 2.20-3.20 per basket). Salted egg happen to be one of my favourite too, so proceed eating.

The last entree is this pork ribs. It's actually a small portion so i could finish this easily. ow, I am 70% full and content, so joining the rest of the jamming cars and sail like a snail through the night to my warm-my nest.

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