Saturday, June 5, 2010

An except of a letter to a friend- how long to date before marriage

About relationship, I don't think going steady for 5-10 yrs a long as both your  steps are the same. Say, both of you running up Mount Everest, but once you reach the top, u look around, and found out your partner already stop halfway, enjoying ice cream. U call out to him, but he couldn't hear cuz the gap is too wide, too far. Sometimes, you need time to tell if two person are really right for each other in term of physical/emotional/visions/personality. Lotsa ppl get marry soon, jx to be so unhappy later on and got stuck with responsibility and for children sake...stay on, endure in bitterness. The survivor will be strong enough to get a divorce, but at what expense? Children will becomes the victim anyhow. well, that is me babbling again ...have a nice day