Sunday, June 20, 2010

BFF Birthday Dinner @ SevenAteNine (Ascott, KL)

The dinner is on 12th June, though her birthday is on 13th, but since I knew we would chat until pass midnight, so I suggested we go for dinner on sat night. The booking is on 8pm, but she kinda missed the way to my house (yeah, she is a direction idiot), so I gotto meet her somewhere along the highway, and the whole scenario delayed our arrival time at 9pm. Thankfully, our table is not cancelled due to World Cup fever. The occupancy is about only 20% in this infamous fine dining outlet. Both of us are worried as we are driving there, and already start planning to go somewhere else, but seems like football fever does have its good point :)

I ordered a Merlot, but since its out of stock..well, gotto try another variety, which is not to my liking. The 4-courses meal cost about RM350 for 2 pax, including my 1 glass of wine and Evian.

This smoked salmon is ok, but not something to shout about. Supposedly is 6 pcs, but I only remembered to take picture after I finished up half of the serving :P Well, its almost 9pm and I am very hungry, so there.

The second appetiser we had is fois gras, which is very..well, not something I'd expected. I always heard from people and from reviews that fois gras should be melting in your mouth, so I'd always imagined its like kobe beef I'd before. To my dismay, I don;t particularly like the texture, furthermore it got this strong ducky smell, which I don't like. But all my life, I could not take on certain strong smell food, such as lamb, some duck (some are truly smelly, but for those birdie which do not have much odor, duck meat is quite enjoyable), and now the new one in my list is fois gras. My bff told me the last one she'd somewhere else is much better. So, maybe 789's fois gras quality is low. Thus, maybe I should give it another try before throwing it into the forbidden list.

The steak as main entree for the night. My bff could not finished hers, but for me , well...don't you think this portion is just too small :) Honestly, this is not as good as the steak quality at Victoria's Station, but the atmosphere here is incomparable by Victoria's. However, I do not like open-air concept for fine dining purpose as I am sweating a bit even though the place is not crowded at all and I am wearing a very skimpy chiffon dress. Or maybe, our weather is simply too hot!

This dessert is probably the best entree for the night. The chocolate cake is simply heavenly, and its infused with lotsa tiny bits of nuts, probably almond. One scoop is vanilla ice cream, while the other one is cream. I only finished the ice cream and the whole cake slice, or maybe I am not particularly fond of cream except for mocha frappucino.
We stayed for about 5hrs here, chatting the night away while the band/music is getting louder and louder. My search for HG eatery continue......

The morning I waken up crying:19th June '10

I was working on site, with my younger brother and a few crews. Someone or something inform us that my dad has pass away. Naturally, we are trying to get home fast! To verify the source and to make sure. We are in a hi-tech building, which got many levels, and we all keep waiting for the lift to arrived. But for me, there are no ongoing lift. Say, at one instance i am supposed to go up, but all the lift is on the way everyone around me naturally be gone one by one, while me wait on. But there are times when the going-up lift supposed to reach my floor, as indicated by the digital screen, it would automatically turn goin-down mode just on the floor before mine. Then after sometimes, suddenly a new info display nearby, indicating we or I should go down instead, then the lift situation are reversed. So, now all lift are going up.

The weird thing is, sometimes I am being transferred to Myanmar countryside, which has got no vehicles and no mode of communications, and a group of bad guys after after me, so I could just walk to my destination, which is home I guessed. But everything is so blurry and unclear...then suddenly I am driving a lorry with the crews going home finally. So, when I reach a restaurant near our home office, my GPS screen suddenly becomes a lcd with updated news from satellite. The recent news is my dad had pass away, with his picture displayed on the screen. Though a bit older than my dad now, but it's definitely him. And at the restaurant, it actually had become a big funeral parlour, and no doubt my dad's funeral is being held as I drove past. I rememebered being sad, and in disbelief.

Then, after I parked the lorry at store, then I have no idea why I started to unload the things I driven home. There are this machine/vehicle which I'd never seen before, not forklift then suddenly my dad is there giving me instructions on how to operate it smoothly. Then I am so happy as I ask him, if he would stay and teach me more. Then he said smiling, maybe just one more time. Then we kinda hugged, and I waken up, crying when I remembered how funny he was when saying maybe one more time. So like him, the gestures, the him in real life. And me crying on my bed, thinking how fragile life is...that my daddy really gonna to leave us anytime soon. That time is actually running out, of him, of me too. That my own life line is getting shorter and shorter.

I remembered last time, about 10 years ago, I dreamed about my mum pass away as well. It's really scary that this time my dad. Why am I dream such things? I knew it meant something, my dreams always do...but I don't like it when they put me in such vulnerable situation. Feeling the hurt and pain so real. Maybe one day i would dream of myself dying...someday!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The day when I got cheap flowers from Cameron Highland

Early this month driven up to Cameron Highland for an expo job setup. So, via the normal Simpang Pulai, less steep but further away than Tapah.

On the way back the next day, I got tons of cheap flowers. Since its about 5pm already, the vendors kinda sell it cheap to clear the stocks. I also got a bunch for my bff, since its her birthday a few days later. Imagine, one waterlily stalk is only rm 2, compared to KL it's RM10. Rained non-stop all the way back, but I am still blazing through the darkened highway in 140kmh. Sort of tired, so kinda sleepy...just need to get home fast. I do stop by Simpang Pulai rest area to buy fruits, espcially the infamous Tambun pamelo :) Here are some flower arrangements once I reach home. Even though I am tired, but still gotto get it done before resting. They would wilted by tomorrow if I do not cut out their dried end and immerse the new area to water.

72roses for RM10. Good bargain hahahahhaha :)

The purplish flowers are free, well it's not so attractive type. However, this style do look cool.....hehehe

I also get this cheap potted plants for my garden.....RM7.50 per pot. I did not get any strawberry as the season is last months. Even though you could still buy but since it's not in season, its price almost not for me since i am the infamous bargain hunter!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Munakata Dinner Buffet @ KL


WHERE: Life centre, No. 20, Jln Sultan Ismail, KL

This Japanese restaurant located in Life Centre, opposite KFC building along Jalan Sultan Ismail. Normally serving ala-carte, but having buffet dinner promotion for about RM100 per pax all in. The main differences of their buffet lines is, one order from menu just like ala-carte style. If you are looking for good food with uninterupted conversation, this is the right place to go.

Samples of the foods are as below, as I am too busy talking and savouring the foods thus kinda forget to take more pictures. Their scallops, fried oysters, and shashimi, green tea ice-cream and soft shell crabs are quite good.

Their green tea ice cream is normally served with red bean paste, but the bean served on the day of my visit is sort of un-cooked (not soften enough). Hopefully on my next visit, it's well cooked for my tastebud pleasure.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

DIY:Minced pork with mushroom dumpling

Once in a while, I would get some minced pork and add on peppers (white&black, course and fine), siu heng rice wine (a chinese rice wine), oyster sauce (mushroom/scallops oysters sauce is good as well), soy sauce, parsley (dried/fresh is fine), chopped mushroom, any whatever extra items tickle your fancy. I bought the pastry from Tesco, the sui kow version, as wantan is too small so could not fit in as much filling (greedy me)! One 300grams minced meta could produce mor than 15units super large and plump sui kow. If prefer to fried, then use the wanton version, and add on chopped vegetable as I think this will attract children to munch on it (and also tricked them to have more

The leftover, as my pot already full with like 12dumplings. So, this should goes into storage (maybe to add into noodle for next day meal)!

I added on lotsa green vege, so my meal is super balanced and delicious. The soup based used here is Knors (pork flavour, which I bought from Philipines end of last year). Normally i would use tomyam paste, but really have to start using this pork pellet, been sitting too long on my shelf. Truth is, everything is enjoyable up until the 8th piece, thereafter, I am just forcing my stomach to take in the rest, as this is really large pieces (as I m not doin business here, so 100% meat and mushroom filling). Wished I could have bigger stomach or someone to shared with, as I dislike storing unfinished my stomach get tortured all the time when I over-cooked.
Its weird that staying with my family back then, there are no such problems, cuz everyone always hungry for food and not everyone enjoy cooking/can cook. Thus supply is always less than demand, so leftover problems is almost non-existence. Sometimes its truly hard to cook big dishes but only for 1 pax. The other day, while waiting in-line to weight the veggies items, this malay woman is planning to buy a small ginger bit. In fact, this bit is like the size of 2 fingers, and the weighter could not get any value from the machine. So, this woman have to get a bigger piece, which weight could matter enough to produce a reading on the machine. That keep me thinking, does 1 person really does not matter in this world, when the standard is for 2 person then only it's acknowledged as a you are having a life worth living? If you don't get what I means here, the weight machine is like a set of norm society set upon, the small ginger is as single individual, while the larger piece a couple of wife-husband or lovers. So, up until you found the other half to be a new unit, you as the original one-self does not get approved well/ or seen as failure/outcast. babbling again!

Dim sum outlet until 11pm @ Puchong (near Neway)

Finally, had my night dim sum early this month. Stucked in traffic jam along LDP, so kinda hungry @ 8.30pm, drop by this outlet recommended by my facialist. Hmm, taste ok, but RM4 per basket is sort of more expensive than most morning outlet.

Mind you, their herbal tea also RM4 for a glass, so I just have chinese tea which is RM1.50. Besides better for digestion :P

Ok, I ordered a century egg porridge but the foreign waitress bring me this salted egg one. Hmm, I couldn't mis-ordered as it's in writing, but thinking I won't came back here anyway (due to the higher price, most places only cost 2.20-3.20 per basket). Salted egg happen to be one of my favourite too, so proceed eating.

The last entree is this pork ribs. It's actually a small portion so i could finish this easily. ow, I am 70% full and content, so joining the rest of the jamming cars and sail like a snail through the night to my warm-my nest.

Nadayu @ KL upcoming bungalow launch

This high-end properties is nearby Zoo Negara, but is rather deep and secluded from the traffic.

Each unit includes swimming pool, and all amenities. Price tag: RM5millions...haha told u this is high-end! Most of the units is not in progress yet, maybe just footing stage. One can view the show house and their master layout at The Galleria, located on site. However, this is open to public end of June'10 after the official launch.

For location, if you are coming from KL, just made the half U-turn and go in straight towards Taman Melawati. Go in straight all the way (should have Nadaya banners all along the road by now) until you reached a mini roundabout, then turn 3 o'clock, go straight like 100m you will reach the guard house. Happy dream house hunting for those who could afford it :)

Searching for John Doe

Last month, I am in love with this guy. Someone I chatted over in the internet for almost 2 months, but when we meet all my dreams are shattered. This guy, who I came to know as Jo, is very deep in thinking, insightful spiritually, craving for knowledges, kind hearted, a leader and a sensitive soul. I just couldn't believe there are someone like him out there, who shares so many similar thoughts with me, and gosh this beautiful soul is the owner of this hunky exterior with handsome face. I am in cloud 9, when he felt the same for me. Truth is, it's not hard for someone to fall for me once you seen my face, my body, and get to know my intelligence and my beautiful soul. But, to have someone you are crazy about approving you, loving you in return is something one will never get over with. No matter how many people telling you how beautiful you are, how special you are, but everything is meaningless until those words are spoken by the someone special in your heart. Yes, and my heart are singing for him...everyday since I saw his picture, until the day he chat with me to the day he professed falling for me.
I could not believe myself being nervous for the first date, first date in almost a decade. Yup, I'd been in a long relationship throughout my 20s, so basically this is the first date I went to with someone I'd fallen head over heal with. My bff couldn't believe how nervous I am as I am the always composed type, always confident type. She wanted to meet this Jo so much as she claimed she never seen me as smitten before. What could I say, I am in love with my soulmate..someone who can give me heartbeat and yet having the same channel in brainiac activity and spiritual realms. The closest I been with is someone who give me heartbeat and also 50% in spiritual realm (that is my 3rd ex), but this one is almost 90% and almost 100% in brainiac interest. What can I say...I felt my destiny is coming to me.
On that fateful day, I wanted to watch a movie with him..on our first date. Seems safer to meet in such public place, as I don't really trust myself with him. God knows I might threw myself at him at the mercy of his fingertip. That is how strong my feeling was for him, like in Mariah's song "all i ever wanted" and whitney's run to you. My heart is beating non-stop, singing as well. never knew life could be so beautiful. All the sleepless night of missing him is finally tonight will be the start of my wonderful life, my destiny life.
When I saw him, I couldn't believe my eyes...and I always dreamed of the first moment when i lay my eyes on him...countless fantasy of meeting him in love ...the man of my dream, the face that haunting me days and nights, even when I am driving, even when I am busy at works. Until he finally admitted, that the picture is not his and that he was sorry. That he truly likes me and there goes the countless praising words throughout movie and supper later. All words fell on deaf ears, as my heart is bleeding, I am still in shock....of discovering my Jo doesn't exist, not for me, and his smiles, his dancing eyes..shining not for me. he thought I would never be-friend him ever again, but he was wrong. I was never mad, cuz in my heart, there are no place for anger...just pain and anguish..hurt and shattered to pieces...the overwhelming lost...of my JO, my love, my destiny.
This man name is James. A very successful corporate guy, earning very good income, have a few properties, even hinted I don't have to work so hard for a living. I knew, I could choose not be this independent, self-reliant woman but only one person could make me give up this solitude..and at this moment, that person is only JO, and it could never be James. Told him my heart and feeling is for JO, my heartbeat started since i saw his picture. This is me all through my life, if something caught my eyes, which is rare, then i am doomed. Until maybe the next rare episode, but how I hated this, not able to show him, my JO, the me. Not having a chance to meet him and to know him, and to ask him his name...which i m sure is not Jo. He is just a picture James cropped from Google search. Up until now, I don't even know if he is chinese, japanese, mixed, korean, thai, etc. I felt so helpless..i did searched...there are millions of pages, but i could only go up to page 44. How could I find him? with a cropped pic? This got to be the biggest joke of the century for me...loving someone i could never know. What are the chances he would bump into this page and realised i's been waiting for him? the probability is not 0, but infinity 0

Waterlily double blooms @ May'10

This is the first bloom from this pot, and I could not believe it when it's a double. Although its size is smaller than most of my other pots, but it's special as its location is not super sunny, and it has been lay dormant for few months since I re-pot them. It's just so tranquil looking at them :)

Fishes can't seems to stay inside this shallow pot, and thus without the natural fertiliser, that is the reason they stay dormant for so long. has flowered...and that is what cheer me up so much on that particular day.

Actually, when I was taking this picture, there are 1 little bees nuzzing inside the petals, but when i go nearer, it kinda flew away...plan to take its pictures initially, so not successful. Maybe next time, when there are double blooms again ...

Daidomon KL @unlimited wahyu beef buffet bbq

This is the 2nd time I am here. Slightly more than rm100 per pax but with unlimited wahyu (cutting rather thick so it could not melt in ur mouth), oysters and big scallops.

Another must order is the big prawn, but still oyster&scallops much more worthier to consume than prawn meat per gram.

The buffet start at 6pm-10pm, but they mostly will say their wahyu out of stock by 8.30pm, make full used of the money spent, make sure u arrive by 6-6.30pm :)

Actually, before each buffet session, I would be really excited and plan so much to eat this and that, and thinking to myself, " I am truly hungry today. I am gonna finish so much foods that the owner will be furious at me..hahaha". Well, everytime I will fail due to the volume of my I would do calculation in my head for every item I consumed. Mentally sum up the total value of each items I gulped down, until I am satisfied with my "smartness". Then only I felt I'd accomplish something, outsmart the owner. Actually, in a way, when we are thinking while eating and chatting with friends and family, we'd burn more calories, and thus able to eat more. However, some people just couldn't know their limit...seen some bad case in JOGOYA, where women/kids just vomitted in the washroom, with horrible sound. I wonder if guys do have miscalculation too..i means to eat until you's puke..that is plain foolish. Imagine paying to get tortured liek that...definitely not in my list. So, what I do is smart and practical...still wish for a bigger volume stomach though :P

Others foods served there are the standard type, sashimi, sushi, chinese food, malaysian food, and ice-cream. Though this time, they no longer have green tea, just normal and plain vanilla/mango,etc. Ohh..when it's time to leave, you'd be surprised that ur clothing still smell like food (despite their claims that their bbq technology could absorbs the bbq smokes). Though I don't smell like hot dog meat, but I could still smell something..maybe it's my dog's nose sensitivities again!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

An except of a letter to a friend- how long to date before marriage

About relationship, I don't think going steady for 5-10 yrs a long as both your  steps are the same. Say, both of you running up Mount Everest, but once you reach the top, u look around, and found out your partner already stop halfway, enjoying ice cream. U call out to him, but he couldn't hear cuz the gap is too wide, too far. Sometimes, you need time to tell if two person are really right for each other in term of physical/emotional/visions/personality. Lotsa ppl get marry soon, jx to be so unhappy later on and got stuck with responsibility and for children sake...stay on, endure in bitterness. The survivor will be strong enough to get a divorce, but at what expense? Children will becomes the victim anyhow. well, that is me babbling again ...have a nice day

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Someone asked me "I can' t believe u r still single"

When i got this kinda question, which is frequent, my heart is screaming such thoughts:

Just came out from a long relationship 1 yrs ago. Planning wedding stage, but suddenly, after 8 yrs together, just felt i lost the feeling..well that is what rule me in life. i dun settle just for the sake of settling, u c. been hard to come out and hurt someone so dear to you, thank god he is still willing to be my friend..well i guess cuz i am always true to him, in a way, blessing come to me naturally.

i am very capable, intelligent, kind hearted, funny and witty person. some might say i m perfectionist, but i guess i m just too real to my feeling, too in touch with my spiritual realm. To find caring man, loaded man in malaysia is not at all hard..but to find your true love, someone who could make my heart skips beat...that is something rare. Maybe u think i deserve being alone, but i aint afraid of solitude...i just afraid i could not meet HIM before my last breath on planet earth
Well, how i answer the perosn who ask ...and smile :)