Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Fast forward one year since my last entry....I am finally with him! Life is weird and unpredictable/could be alter based on your own willpower. I broke up with my bf before this CNY2009. Thus I no longer need to face his mother anymore. In fact, I spent most of my CNY at Port Dickson, happy and excited. In all horoscope reading (chinese one), forecasted Goat will have a bad year, but as far as I am concerned, it's one enlightened one. Futhermore, with him, my KS by my side, though undercover, but my outlook for this year couldn't be that bad.

Funny though, KS is a rabbit, so this year is equally bad for him. But maybe this pairing offset the bad luck. like negative + negative =positive stuff! I read somewhere that goat and rabbit is a very very good match, with intense feeling & sexuality. So far, I think this is very very true. The love-making is ecstatic, like its never enough.

We are happy, but very stressed out and in deep pressure to keep our relationship underwrap for many many reasons. I could've imagine how my family and relative will react if they found out about us.

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